We went to go see Grandpa Marchant get put in to the new city council for Millcreek.
January 5th, 2017 finally came we had to be at the hospital at 5:30 am and were scheduled for the C-section at 7:30 am. I was defiantly nervous to have a C-section. The thought of being awake and cut open was a bit frightening! We walked in and a good friend and former patient of mine was my nurse, I was excited to see her, she was awesome!
One last shot of the pregnant belly!
Dad's ready to go into the OR...or so we think!
I was anticipating feeling pain or pressure when they cut me. I had told Spencer not to look, he doesn't even do well when he gets an IV, he is known for passing out, he thought he would be okay. Spencer was sitting to the side of me, I looked up at him and asked if they had already cut me he was pale and blinking his eyes really hard and slow then his eyes rolled back in to his head and I told the nurse he was passing out. Thankfully she was right there and lowered him to the ground. I started to cry because now not only am I nervous about what's going on with me but I am worried about Spencer on the ground on the OR!!! They all assured me Spencer was going to to fine. The one thing it did do was take my mind off the C-section because I do not remember any pressure or pain. Then I heard sweet Crew cry, I was full of emotion and love for him instantly! 
They lifted him up and showed him to me.
I am thankful to the sweet nurse who took my phone and took all of these pictures or we would not have any of them....that was Spencer's job and at this point he is still out on the flour. Spencer woke up and got to see the baby too.
We can for sure laugh at this now... I think they were more concerned about him then me! Just Spence laying on the flour of the OR while I have a baby!
I could stare at his sweet face all day! We sure love you baby Crew!
Dad's still recovering....
Dad holding baby Crew for the fist time.
And we all got wheeled out together.
I was so excited for this moment when Boston got to meet Crew for the fist time, it was so sweet!
He kept saying,"Hims have dirt in his hair." ha he hadn't had a bath yet.
Kris and Allie came to our house to stay with Boston then brought him up later to see us.
Getting washed up...
Meeting Grandma Houghton, Cassie and Misty.
Grandpa and Grandma Houghton
Grandpa and Grandma Marchant
The Hyde's
Sweet baby Crew!
We thought you were 7 lbs 11 oz but you were really 7 lbs 10 oz.
Love that little face! I never thought I would have a baby this small with Boston being 9lbs 1 oz but Crew was a week early and Boston was a week late.
Uncle JT
Crew and Ady
Home with big brother...Boston has been so good and sweet with Crew. We are loving every minute with him! Boston and Spence went to Jett's baby blessing he Sunday we got home. Boston loves to make this face and wants me to take his picture...
3 days old! Baby Crew you are a dream babe and the answer to many prayers. I am so happy and thankful that you are here. Your sweet spirit brightens out home and I love seeing Boston care for you!
Boston showing off his new basketball shoes.
Spencer was off for a little over and week and Boston loved having Daddy home. Spence built an awesome slide in our front yard out the snow and they have had so much fun on it. Susan and Grandpa and Grandma Marchant came to visit.
Susan and Grandpa even triedS out the slide.
Susan took a tumble....
Baby Jett and Crew....10 weeks a part and probably 10 lb difference.
Seriously, sweet as can be!
Russ and Maryann and Greg and Susan's family came to visit.
Boston's new thing is to make a bed out of pillows and sleep on the floor.
Big brother gift from Ady.
Boston wanted to see what the formula looked like inside the can. I was pumping and tried to open it with one hand and it exploded on Crew. Boston and I laughed and cleaned up poor Crew.
Boston insisted on wearing his swim googles in the snow so when he goes sledding behind the 4-wheeler it will keep the snow out. He brought a pair for all 3 boys, it was so cute. They didn't last long with them one because they kept fogging up.
He wanted a picture of his "mad" face!
Baby Crew....
and Boston same age and same hat. It's fun to see their differences.
And his happy face, I sure love this boy!
Mister Crew!
Boston reading Crew a story...such a sweet moment to walk in on.
He loves baby Crew and is very protective of him. When Crew starts to cry he always goes running and says, "I'm coming baby Crew." I love the little bond they have!
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