December 1st we went to United way and filled bags with a blanket and stuffed bear to give to kids that might need them. We did this for our service project for Light the World that the church came out with. It was perfect for the kids and I loved teaching Boston about service.
Love this little guy!
Happy Anniversary to Grandpa and Grandma Marchant! He somehow still fits on my lap with this big belly and fell right to sleep.
Decorating our cute graham cracker house.
He loves Waldo and every game wants to give him a high-five and he finally got to!
It was mascot night and he even got to see Oggie from the raptors...he was a little nervous when they both came over.
We went to Chick-fil-A one night and Spencer went in the play area with Boston...I looked over and saw this, I could not stop laughing. Best Dad award right here!
Little big for the slide, I think Boston was concerned!
Houghton Christmas Party with Aunt Tammy.
Cutest little snowman with pretzel eyes, popcorn mouth and buttons!
Seeing Santa for the fist time this year at the Weber State game. He was a little nervous to be this close to him but has been very consistent with what he wants when anyone asks him and that is a pink Peppa Pig watch that lights up. ha He watches it at Tenille's house with Brooky and saw one at Walmart one day and that is only thing he wants....easy enough!
I got home from work one Wednesday and found the boys like this....ha rough day for Daddy it looks like!
They both fell asleep really early that night...must have played to hard while mommy was working.
Christmas Eve train ride at the mall..
Christmas Eve at the Houghton's!
All 6 Houghton kiddos!
Christmas jammies!
It was a beautiful picture perfect Christmas morning, we woke up to lots of snow, enjoyed a wonderful sacrament meeting, enjoyed breakfast with Boyd and Santa came....
This Christmas was so fun with Boston! He was so excited for Santa to come and we were so excited for him to wake up to open his presents. He saw his stocking first and was excited about the candy...
He got his Peppa Pig watch!!!
He loves to play check-up and usually gives me a check-up with his tools. I think all the doctor visits for baby brother have something to do with this. He got his own little Dr kit and I get a few check-ups a day from this cute boy. He doesn't like to be the patient though and let me give him a check-up!

Christmas day with the Marchant's!
Loving his new chair and notice the pink watch. :)
Opening our "This Little Piggy Went To The Market" gifts from Grandpa and Grandma Marchant.
Grandma and Boston playing a little tennis!
Sledding the day after Christmas!
10 days until baby brother!
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