Saturday, December 26, 2015


 Smith and Edwards trip...Boston's one cute little cowboy!
 I was able to take a girls trip to St George to go to Time Out For Women.  We had a really fun time.  We stayed at Kris's house and she was so awesome to watch Boston while I was at the conference. 
 First day at TOFW....

 Second day....

 My Aunt Nancy and a few of her girls came too.
Third day was Sunday, we went to church that morning and headed back home that afternoon.
 We celebrated Spencer's 31st birthday with the Marchant's.

 20 Months of FUN!!!  Boston is full of energy, he loves bubble baths, his Daddy, balls and playng in the car and NOT getting in his carseat (kind of a problem).  ha He is one sweet boy and is talking so much.  He always asks where Dad is every morning when I get him out of bed.  He says, "Dad ball".  He knows Dad plays ball for work.  He loves to visit his Grandpa's and Grandma's and play with all his cousins from both sides of the famliy.  We sure love you Boston! 

 Boston decided to take a bath with his clothes big deal!  :)
 My mom, sister's and I met Dave Mac Arthur.  We were excited.  We all listen to his podcast, Mechanic to Millionaire. 
 WSU Game!

 Sweet babe not feeling good...
 But, this chocolate chip cookie made him happy.
 Chocolate makes everything better.  :)
 He loves to sit in the dryer while I do laundry.

 Spencer's actual birthday....

 Trying on Dad's new birthday shoes....
 I made Spencer a birthday cake and he got two from clients at work....we had lots of cake! 

 Hanging out eating their apples. 

 Happy Thanksgiving!!

 First day playing in the snow for the year...

 Electric Light Parade in Ogden.

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