Monday, December 29, 2014

9 months

Boston, oh how we love you!   You are so fun and happy all the time, people comment on how happy you are all the time.   You smile at everyone and love to be social. No stranger anxiety yet but I can tell you are getting more and more attached to mommy.  You are still nursing and are eating 3 other meals a day, you are a good little eater!  You have 6 teeth and bite everything.  You learned to dance and move your little arms up and down to music. At church when we sing hymns I stand you on my lap and you move your little arms like crazy like you are leading the music, it's pretty cute and gets lots of attention and smiles.   You are crawling everywhere and standing up to everything.  You are sleeping much better and go to sleep on your own for naps and at bedtime and it makes mommy so happy! You love to see and play with all your cute cousins and they love to see you.   We are so grateful for you and love you so much!!  Happy 9 months!

1 comment:

Ticey said...

He's growing up so fast...what a cutie!