Sunday, November 2, 2014

Houghton Halloweenie Roast!!

 We had our annual Halloween party at my parents the day after Halloween.   
Our little family this year....Spencer was a Cowboy, I was an Indian and Boston was a spider.
Grandpa roasted hot dogs over the fire and we ate until we were so stuffed we could not move!
 Grandma  made some super yummy homemade donuts!
 Cassie and Bryce
Ady and Boston who was to into her puffy tutu to look at me.
 Kristy's yummy and cute dip!
 Playing Chubby Bunny....see how many marshmallows you can put in your mouth and still say "Chubby Bunny" Spencer won with 13 mallows in the mouth!! Way to go babe! ha
 Bosty and Gramps!
 Boston left his cute hat on almost all night which was a record, he usually pulled it off right after I put it on!  
He sure made a cute spider!

Happy Halloween from the Houghton's

1 comment:

Ticey said...

I got in! Cute blog! Fun to stay in touch!