Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Boston Scott Marchant

Forty weeks and four days past due, I was more then ready to meet little Boston....

  We went to the doctors the morning of the 26th and he placed a catheter to help me start to dilate.  I went home and was having contractions every 5 min.  We waited until 5:30 that night and went to the hospital.  I was dilated to a 5 when we got there.  After getting checked in and getting the epidural they started the pitocin and Dr Hartman came and  broke my water.  I thought it was going to be smooth sailing....boy was I wrong.  I went all night and into the next morning only dilated to a 6 but 100% thinned.  Every time they would start me on pitocin Boston's little heart rate would drop.  I laid there all night long listening and  watching  Boston's heart rate on the monitor.  Every time it would drop the nurses would come in and try to move me positions to get it to go back up again.  I along with all of our families prayed all night that everything would be okay.

 Eight-thirty the next morning Dr Hartman came and they started the pitocin again. After multiple scares and his heart rate dropping, they had the OR set up and the doctor, nurse and staff were dressed and ready to take me in for a c-section. I was scared  and just started to cry. 
 Right before they were going to take me into the OR Boston's heart rate stabilized again and I was dilated to a 10 so the doctor gave it one more chance.   I pushed with all my might for 35 min and at 9:57 am on March 27th our little miracle baby, Boston Scott Marchant was born.  We were filled with emotion when we saw him.  What an incredible moment.  His little cry was the best thing to hear, I knew he had made it and was gong to be okay.

 We fell in love instantly.  Our little baby wasn't quite as little as we thought he would be.  When I first saw him I kept saying, "he is HUGE"  I could not get over how big he was.  9lbs and 1 oz!
 After they got him all cleaned up we were able to hold him. 
 We have waited a long time for this moment!  We could not get enough of him.  He is perfect!
 Spencer was so cute with him and was so good through the whole labor. 
I am so grateful Boston has such a great example in his life.
 We could have stared at him all day...and we do!
 Love those little cheeks!
 Because I kept saying how HUGE he was the nurse wrote on the board under weight...HUGE!
 My heart is full, I thank my Heavenly Father multiple times a day for sending us this little miracle!
Spencer with our nurse Roxie and Dr Hartman, both were amazing!
We had lots of friends and family that were just as excited to meet sweet Boston.
Grandma and Grandpa Marchant, Grandpa even wore his Boston shirt for him.
Grandma seeing him for the first time.
 The Marchant Aunts, Uncles and cousins that came to see him.
Meeting Grandpa and Grandma Houghton.

My family that came to see him.
My good friends Kris and Allie.
Love that little face!
 He was jaundice one night and had to be on the blue lights, he did really good but it broke our hearts to put him on there.  Luckily the next day he was okay and we didn't have to take the blue lights home!
 When I was getting things put together to leave the hospital Spencer was sitting with Bost singing primary songs to him. Melted my heart!
 Getting him dressed and ready to go home!!  He is a sucker and loves the binki.
First time in the car seat.
Welcome home...
He changes so much every day, I'm trying to take in every moment because I know he will get big so fast! 

Snuggling with Daddy.
Love his little face!
 My cute friend Annell brought him this little hat.
 So sweet!
 We caught a smile!
 His umbilical cord came off in 3 days so we gave him his first bath. 
He did pretty good but didn't love it.

I had a friend of my sister's come to our house when he was 6 days old to take his newborn pictures.  This one is my favorite, I love his little scrunched face!
 In Daddy's hands...
We truly are so grateful and feel so blessed to be given the opportunity to be parents. 
Are hearts are full and we are so in love with him!


Misty said...

So sweet! I love it, made me cry! In so happy for you guys!

Meggin said...

Michelle-he is just perfect in every way. I think he looks like you--but with the adorable little Marchant chin that all the Marchant babies seem to be born with! I am so, so happy for you and Spence. Hope things are going well. The first few weeks can be a little crazy!!

B said...

And I am crying. Thank you for sharing these sweet moments. I am thrilled beyond expression for you and Spencer and for Boston. Love you.

Ben and Camille said...

Love him! I am so grateful you didn't end up with a c-section and sorry it was so traumatic and emotional! So hard. But so worth it! What a handsome man. Hope I can meet him soon!